Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Day 33 and 34- Hard sun and hard storm.

Grass hopper on platform below the sunlight (credits: Nicole Pelusio).

In the morning since the sky was cleaned the sunlight was too much strong for me. In the half of the day I started having fever and sweating a lot. Feeling really weak I had to stop and reach the shore for seek some shade and rest. Then the owner of fish farm saw me and took me to Accra for having blood tests, making sure that it wasn’t a Malaria prelude. Because of the time of analyses, I had to spend one night in Accra for waiting the results.

When I left the fish farm, a severe rain storm blocked workers for a couple of hours, interrupting everything, either the electric power. Unfortunately some of trial buckets containing the feed lost the lid because of strong wind and rain.

The sever storm arriving in the fish farm (credits:Nicole Pelusio).

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